Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thanks to Australia Awards Indonesia

This is a magic and the best probability. I never think to visit or study in foreign. I was not expecting that all be reality. Because there are self limitations as financing, competence of languange, information acces, etc. But, this is a not dream when to get rewards from Australian Government through Australian Awards Indonesia as relationship Depertement of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia with Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. This program is primary and junior secondary teacher professional development. The implementation of this program is short term award to study in University of Melbourne, Australia. This program consist of activities, such as pre departure workshop MoEC Office in Jakarta and study in University of Melbourne for two weeks, then school visit and homestay in State of Victoria for 4 days. Daniel Hunt (Deputy Director Australia Awards in Indonesia) say all of activity in this program financed by Australia Government as interested people of Australia with respect to Indonesia. I follow this program because to achieve more values of UKG (Evaluation of Teacher Competence), so recommended from Directorate General of Teacher and Educational Personnel without regular selected by Australian Awards Indonesia. I grouped in batch 5 period February 23th 2017 untill March 19th 2017. I felt good with the best teachers who distributed around provinces in Indonesia. Finally, I would like  thank you for the great opportunity to Australia and Indonesia Government.
Pre departure workshop done 23-24 th February 2017 in building D the 11th floor, Kemendikbud, Jakarta. In opening and introduction host, Poppy Dewi Puspitawati (Director of Basic Education Teacher Management) say this program followed 136 teachers primary and secondary scholl who to have more achievements. In opening introduction of Australia Awards, Daniel Hunt (Deputy Director Australia Awards in Indonesia) say all this program financed by Australia Government as interested people of Australia with respect to Indonesia. He say that there are seven famous university in Australia which to submit be partner in this program, then University of Melbourne selected to develope primary and junior secondary teacher professional of Indonesia in Australia. Then in opening remarks, Neryl Lewis (Counsellor Departement of Foreign and Trade, Australia Embassy Jakarta) say that this program will give more benefits to relationship Australia and Indonesia. Suharti as Head of Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation Kemendikbud says that awards Australia for Indonesia lasted since the days of dutch colonial, then main purpose of primary and secondary teacher professional development is to learn how increase quality of education through to develop quality of learning. For example in Australia, there is teacher parent meeting to develope result of learning student.

From teacher in coast school, SDN Jayamulya III, Kec. Cibuaya, Karawang, West Java, Indonesia.
#AustraliaAwards, #OZAlum, @DubesAustralia, @AustraliaAwards

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